Seriously, I do not even know how to start all of this, I have so much to say! And a warning, this is probably going to be somewhat long. Also, if you make it all the way down to the bottom there is also the other "good news" I was talking about last hang in there!
Well, let's start off with this.........
It's a Boy!!!!!
We found out a little early....I was in a lot of pain on Friday, which I called my doctor but they did not seem to think much of it. I knew that the pain was stemming from my urethra/bladder area, but my OB thought that maybe the baby was just sitting on my bladder funny. Especially since my urine test from my appt. on Tuesday came back clear. Whatev. I knew something was up.
All day Saturday, once again, I was pretty miserable. We went to Chris's parents house that day for his Grandpa's 83rd Birthday Party BBQ/family get together. Chris's cousin reassured me that I was probably fine and that she felt pains like that all the time. By the time we got home things were not getting better and I finally passed some sort of clump of something that I thought was a blood clot. Naturally I freaked because initially I thought I was spotting and something was wrong. Well then I noticed that I was urinating blood. Not cool. But it was inconsistent so I decided to go to bed. Anyways, long story short, I called my office on Sunday morning, and the on call Doctor was like you must have a bladder infection etc. you need to be seen, go to the ER.
So I went in and once again, clean urine sample, nothing there. Pelvic exam, cervix closed, no blood, nothing wrong there. Then they did ultrasounds on my kidneys, bladder, placenta etc. and in the end determined that I passed a Kidney Stone. Did not surprise me since I had one about 6 years ago. Didn't feel the same though but still... Your body does strange things while pregnant, so who knows.
But the best part of it all was when they did the ultrasound on the placenta she scanned over the baby. Finally I was like, Ok, I know this is totally irrelevant to what is going on but can you tell what it is?? And she was like yup, there it is, can you see that? Not being very shy, it's a boy! Deep down Chris and I had both felt like that is what it would probably be, so it was a cool moment. After a couple hours of finally getting out of the hospital and getting home, we went to Target and each picked out a little outfit so that was really fun. Also calling all of our close immediate family and hearing reactions was awesome too. I loved it!!
Ok, so now for the good news that we found out last week. Megan is having a sweet, precious baby GIRL! We are so excited and happy for them. A few of you may remember what Megan, husband Patrick, and fam. went through last year when they lost their precious boy Liam. Back story here and here. So far baby girl Kelly is looking healthy which everyone has been praying for, so we are all so thankful and happy for them!! What a huge blessing!!!!! Yay!
Also it has been cool because Megan and I got pregnant right around the same time, and are due two days apart. :) Crazy cool huh?
This week has been such a roller coaster of emotions!!!!
Slow Start
1 week ago
CONGRATS on having a baby boy...HOW EXCITING!!! :-D
Yay for a boy!! Boys are the best! So excited for you guys!
And how awesome for Megan!
Congrats on your baby boy!! Glad you're feeling better - hope there aren't anymore kidney stones :-(
Congrats! Baby boys are SO much fun!
Ouch! I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope you feel better now. Congrats on being team blue!
I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that yucky kidney stone stuff but YAY that you found out it's a boy!!!!! Congrats girlie!!!
Yay for little boys!! Congratulations! And I'm so glad you are feeling better, I'm sure that was scary!
I thought for sure it was a girl!!! Congrats on the little man.
Congrats!! Glad everything is ok with you & baby boy!!
crazy week!! i have a few boy things to give to you :)
COngrats!! Little boys are the best!! I can't believe you passed a kidney stone! I am so glad you are feeling better.
Congrats! So happy for you guys!
Bring on the babies! Hope you don't have any more of those stones. Ouch! I want to go shopping for some boy things now!
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