How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:
145 lbs. Up 2 lbs. from last week. 4 lbs. total. Woo hoo!! Happy to be gaining back some weight. At
this point
with Graydon I had already gained 11 lbs. Wow!!
How big is baby? about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces, the size of an apple.
She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory
tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to
develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move
all of her joints and limbs. Baby can also sense light.- Baby Center
Maternity clothes?
Nope, not yet. The bump is getting more prominent though.
Sleep: Sleep still has not been the best. I think I have been anxious about returning to work this week. I am hoping tonight I can crash! If I take a unisom I sleep SO well, just don't want to have to make a habit of that. Usually I sleep really well.
Best moment this week: Starting to feel better from my meds starting to work; feeling like a normal person; going out and doing normal every day things; going back to work.
Movement: I think I have felt some the last two days!
Food cravings: Sushi. Apple juice. Cereal.
Food aversions: Meat still...esp. chicken.
Gender: No idea, but thinking GIRL!
Labor Signs: Nada
Symptoms: Just nausea and sore breasts. Not sleeping well.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and for a long time hopefully. :)
I have some very faint marks from being pregnant with Graydon but they are not very noticeable.
How are you feeling? I am feeling almost normal again, praise God! I would say I feel about 90% which is a far cry from last week. And I have had a much better appetite. I was even able to drink a coffee today!
What I am looking forward to: Having a 4 day weekend for Labor Day coming up; Fall, our next appointment in two weeks. Getting my hair done Wednesday evening, FINALLY!!!!!! wooooo
What I miss: Sleeping!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't over-do it.
Still can't believe I am in 2nd Tri already, and also feeling what I think was genuine movement!
Pregnancy Moments with Chris and others: My friend Naomi touched my belly the other day. It was like she just couldn't help herself, it was cute/funny. It doesn't bother me when people do that though, I think it is just funny I guess.
When I went back to work today I had several people come and talk to me, and ask me how I was doing, feeling etc. Tell me that they missed me, were was SO sweet! Makes me really realize that if I do not return back to work that I am leaving a really great job/really great group of people. Not to mention that my boss was so amazing throughout this whole ordeal. I haven't worked and two weeks and he never once even thought about not paying me. Anyways, everyone was just so super concerned and nice, it was very sweet of everyone. I also had several people comment on how they could tell that I had lost weight and how my face looked sunken in. :( I have high cheekbones anyways so I know that it just accentuates it but oh well. I will gain it back quick. I look forward to the up and coming Holidays and not feeling guilty about all the goodies I am excited to eat, haha! :)
15 Week Pics....and my last week with LONG hair!
Still looking a little tired here....and you can tell I lost some weight in my face. :(
Slow Start
1 week ago