How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 141 lbs. Still the same from last week. Pretty happy about this!!
How big is baby? The size of a kidney bean according to Baby Center. Developing little webbed fingers and toes this week and breathing tubes.
Maternity clothes? Nope not yet.
Sleep: So good!! Except I wake up once to go pee. Every. Night.
Best moment this week:
Oh there were a couple. Celebrating Momma Lyn's Birthday with her and
Mike and the Martino's at Mangiamos was such a blast. Hearing today
that my sister Megan's baby is head down finally, woo hoo! Now she can
go into labor at any time. Celebrating my friend Dave's new job/leaving
our current place of work (sad at the same time!) Finally being able to
work out for the first time in over 3 weeks!! I ran about 2.5 miles.
I'll take it.
Movement: Nada
Food cravings: Sushi and mexican.
Food aversions: Nothing sounds that great when I am nauseous.
Gender: No idea, but thinking GIRL!
Labor Signs: Nada
The nausea is still bad now and then, but I think the unisom/b6 is
helping a lot! Nipples are super tender. I have been exhausted the past
couple of days. Just also read about how that should be hitting because
of a spike in progesterone and let me tell you, I am feeling it!!
Belly Button in or out? Still in obviously. :)
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and for a long time hopefully. :)
I have some very faint marks from being pregnant with Graydon but they are not very noticeable.
How are you feeling? Still nauseous on and off and super tired the last couple of days.
What I am looking forward to: Megan having her baby girl soon!
What I miss: Nothing really.
Weekly Wisdom: Just rest when you can.
Milestones: Having my first appointment today which was just an interview with the nurse.
Pregnancy Moments with Chris: Chris: "You are eating peanut butter cup cereal? Seriously?" (Once again, we don't typically eat food like this, haha.)
Slow Start
1 week ago