The problem was that I am not far enough along yet to know what we are having, so I wasn't going to buy any clothes...and that was mostly what was for sale. TONS and tons of kids clothes, I just could not believe it! I saw my friend Dana there that I work with and she told me this morning that she easily made a couple hundred bucks there, I was like wow!!
Anyways, we had decided last weekend (as in, Chris finally agreed he was on board with me) that we would cloth diaper as much as we could. Kendyl is going to be doing this as well, so we were really excited to find a table with all kinds of cloth diapering products and a couple of women explaining info to people. I ended up settling on the Flip One-Size Diaper System which is a product from bumGenius. Chris and I wanted something that wasn't completely a cloth diaper...something that you could just change the insert and use the cover a couple of times, that way we weren't changing the entire thing every time. And also something that "grew with the baby", that way were weren't having to buy several covers in different sizes. They have some great cover features, plus the adjustable snap system, so when I found these I was like PERFECT!! (Oh and they have gotten great reviews from what I have read online.)
It was nice too because not only were they selling the covers and inserts for a less expensive price that day, but you also were not having to pay tax, and the shipping you would have to pay if you ordered them online. I just could not pass up the deal. I ended up getting the "Flip Day Pack", four extra covers, and two extra inserts. I did not buy any pink ones, since I figured that a girl can get away with wearing light blue covers, but I do not particularly want pink covers if we have little boy. I was so excited to go home and show Chris, and he was very happy with my purchase as well!
I also bought two very cute, homemade burp clothes from a Doula named Juliea that I am probably going to have labor with me, but that is a post for another day. ;)
Hope everyone is having a GREAT week!
Yea for you! I am so excited that you are going to cloth diaper! I want to do the same thing. I've done some research, but since we are just starting the adoption process I will have a lot of time. You'll have to let me know how you like these.
So excited for you CD win (I say WIN bc MrBro and I are still going back-and-forth)
What is this mom-moms sale??
J-I will for sure let people know how they work!
MrsB- It is where all of these Moms bring their old/gently used items and resell them to other people....I mean there was EVERYTHING there...bottles, toys, maternity clothes (unfortunately they were all like WAY out of date and too big for me) strollers, swings, kids clothes, home-made items...basically anything you could think of, they were selling it! Some people were selling clothes for like $0.50 an item. You just cannot beat that....!
Mom 2 mom sales are the bomb!! I got most of Elles clothes from there. It is also garage sale season coming up.
Awesome! I wish my DH was on board with CDing.
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