Ok, now I know that I have talked about this before. I know so many people who are pregnant right now. But seriously, I don't think you people believe me.
I just found out that my co-worker Jill is pregnant. I am so happy and excited for her! But it is still hard. Especially since she like just started working here and they were just not using any protection but not trying either. There is also another girl here who is going to start trying, and another who is going to try soon but temping to not get pregnant, for the time being. They say everything comes in 3's right?! I am hoping that Jill triggers it! The other girl who is about to start trying also mentioned that to me this morning. I was like amen sister!
So here is a list of all the people I know who are currently pregnant. Just so you can see for yourself. (And also some people who just had their babies.)
Just had a baby:
-my pastor's wife (a girl, Violet)
-Chris's cousin Derek (boy, Noah)
Going to be born any day:
-my SIL, brother Nate's wife (girl, Nataleigh--they think, but not for sure)
-my SIL, husband Chris' sister (girl, Rowan)
-my SIL-to-be, brother Joe's fiance (boy, Ayden)
-my sister Megan (boy, due in Oct.)
-Chris' cousin Tim's wife Megan (don't know details yet)
-Chris' cousin Erica (just found out a couple weeks ago)
A couple different friends/aquaintences:
-Megan N. (girl, Raegan, due in Nov.)
-Kelly (girl, Chloe, due in Sept.)
-Miriam from church (just found out)
People I work with:
-coworker Jill (just found out)
-coworker Matt's wife
-coworker Neven's wife
Internet Friends:
-Megan N (already mentioned above)
-Jessica aka JLT (due in Feb.)
-Nikki aka Nlvaden (due in Feb.)
Yeah, I know. I told you.
I think there are others. I just cannot remember them right now. Too many pregnant people to cloud up my mind....haha. It is insane.
I love it though.
I just want to join them.