Graydon is doing more and more every month and these are the changes up to month 5.
He has really eaten rice cereal for the first time. He is a great eater! (Do not mind this terrible picture of me!!)
Graydon attended his first birthday party for his cousin Camden. He loooved watching the fireplace. He also really likes to look at ceiling fans.
Hanging out with Grandma Jeanne, and wearing his first little Birthday hat! First of many I am sure.
I can't help but kiss those squishy little cheeks all the time!
He is enjoying sitting in his bumbo now once and a while, he still does not like it too much though, and would prefer to stand up.
We started feeding Graydon solids this month, almost right as he turned 5 months. So far he has tried sweet potatoes, squash and bananas. He loves them all!
After eating, it is bath time!
He is getting better about playing on his stomach! And we are still using cloth diapers mostly.
Naked baby is so cute!! :) I like to let him do that once in a while after bath time.
He LOVES his jumpy. Only one foot touches the ground though.
Graydon and his little girlfriend Sage! She was totally trying to hold his hand, and he was digging it. Haha!
They are also wearing matching onesies from our friend Jill.
He looooved Sages bouncy. That thing is so cute, I would looove to get one. It makes the Tigger sound, so when he would move around you would hear "boing boing boing".
He took a little ride in Sage's backpack that Chris was trying out.
Graydon is still wearing 3-6 month clothes but they are getting pretty small. If it is a 3 month size alone, it will not fit him. Only the pants in the waste, but not in the length. And definitely not onesies! 6 month sizes are fitting perfectly right now.
He does not fit into his little brown size 1 shoes anymore, so he is always wearing his Tevas now, which are awesome because they are adjustable. He will be able to wear them for a long time.
Peoples main comments to him lately are still about how strong he is.
He started blowing his lips this month and does it all the time now, especially if he is mad!
He is "talking" a little bit more.
Still wearing size 2 diapers if we use disposable.
Not sure how much he weighs this month, but he is getting heavy!
He typically eats about 5 oz. every 4 hours or so. Sometimes he still wakes up in the night, usually about 2 am. Then he wakes up for the day around 5-6 am. If we feed him solids, which is totally sporadic at this point, he has a little bit with some rice cereal around dinnertime. Then his last feeding right before bedtime.
One HUGE milestone with Graydon this month is that we transitioned him downstairs into his nursery and into his crib. We did it over a weekend because we didn't know how hard it would be, and he did sooo incredibly well. It was like he didn't even notice. We have a video monitor that we use since we are upstairs, so we can see what is going on and what he is doing.
He looooves the mobile in his crib. When we turn it on it is like he is in absolute awe. It is the Fisher Price Precious Planet mobile and I highly recommend it to anyone. He will watch that for a little while and then go to sleep!
He is still playing with his feet a lot!
He will roll from his stomach to back, but not back to stomach yet.
He also loves his MAM pacifiers. I found some teething ones and one had a giraffe on it, I just had to get it!
Still no teeth yet, but I think soon!
He also scratched him self a good one this month, on his left cheek. He has a scar from it. :(
Graydon likes to watch the television sometimes. Also the monitor on the computer if the screensaver comes on. He likes the moving colors!
He does not mind his car seat at all, and will fall right asleep in it.
Graydon will be 6 months tomorrow, and is doing so many more new things. I can't wait to write about it! :)
Your little man is adorable, Anne!
very nice post anne! getting big:)
Loved the post Anne! So excited about all the new things he is doing!
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