Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dreams and other great things....

So last night I was having a dream that I was trying to nurse my baby. I cannot remember if it was a boy or a girl in the dream though!!! I am sure that the dream will be the first of many. I keep waiting to have some "bizarre" dreams but nothing too crazy yet.

I also had one of the most over-whelming feelings come over me yesterday. The first thing I always do when I get home from work is let the dogs out into the backyard and go and get the mail from the mailbox. Well yesterday I received a big envelope in the mail, from the Infertility place that we have our appointment with, which is set up in March. I was confused at first but then realized what it was. I started to cry a little as I opened it, thanking and praising God that I do not need to fill these out. That I can throw them in our paper recycling bag. That I am pregnant. That I can call the office and cancel the appointment and tell them "It is a MIRACLE!!!" I was so happy. The past couple months had been rough, basically thinking that there was a very, very slim chance of ever conceiving naturally and basically being told that we would probably need IVF, and that ususally we wouldn't be sent in the direction of an IUI first.
I just feel so, so very lucky.
I am looking forward to making that phone call this afternoon, and canceling that appointment.


Sal said...

What an amazing feeling that must be. I'm so happy for you!

MrsBro... said...

So happy you can cancel that appointment!!! What a miracle!

Kristin said...

I am so glad you're pregnant :)

Shannon said...

What a blessing! I felt the way you did when I would receive stuff from an adoption agency that I was looking into. I would have an overwhelming sense of thankfulness to God for my pregnancy.

Lil'Misa said...

i am so happy for you. btw i had nursing dreams too, so weird!

Lauren said...

Wow. What a blessing & miracle.SO happy for you!

Mrs. Chapman's 2nd Grade Class said...

Yea for recycling that packet!! So glad you can make that phone call!

BabyFeverBlog said...

Oh I can so relate!! I'm so happy for you!!

Care said...

That is amazing. Congrats to you and your husband. I hope that you have an easy peasy 9 months!

BTW I had the craziest dreams. Crazy. I would go into detail, but they were vividly erotic. LOL. Random people in random places. Well, you get the idea. Pregnancy dreams are so weird!

Anne said...

Thanks everyone, it is a good feeling. :) When I made the phone call to cancel she said "Would you like to reschedule?" I was like No, no need.... :)