Monday, February 1, 2010

So Surreal

Originally written on: Monday, Jan. 18, 2010

My period is officially late today, woot woot!!! I am so happy.
Except that every time I go to the bathroom and wipe I am still a little paranoid. I just keep praying that God will protect me and this baby, and that everything will be OK. I do not want to live in fear every day! I also need to call my doctor soon and find out what the first steps are and make an appointment. I can't wait to see the little bean on an ultrasound and hear that precious heartbeat!

Here are some pictures of when we first found out. :)

Best. Day. Ever.


In With the Light said...

horray!! Still, I am SO happy for both of you! Just a heads up: we did not hear the heart beat until 12 weeks. We saw the fluter on the screen at 8 and 10 weeks so don't be too surprised if you don't get to hear it right away.

Kristin said...

Love the pictures!

Chatham said...

Congrats!!!!! I am soooo happy for you!!!

Lil'Misa said...

I love it! =)

Nlvaden said...

treasure those pictures!

Anne said...

S-Thanks for that info, I will keep it in mind!
Thanks again everyone!!