Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day.

Chris has his appointment tomorrow. We are both anxious to find out what is up with him.
Hopefully the weather does not interfere with his appointment! (We are supposedly having a blizzard tonight.....) Lovely huh? :)
Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!


In With the Light said...

good luck!

Nlvaden said...

Supposed to have? Go look out your window girl! At least here it is a mess! I hope you can go tomorrow. Will they be able to give you a for sure what to do next plan tomorrow?

Kristen.Adele said...

good luck Ann! I'll say a prayer that you make it to your appointment on time and that you have a doctor who takes his/her time and gives you all of the information you're seeking. Let us know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I really hope everything goes well for y'all!

Kristen.Adele said...

did you guys make it, or have to reschedule?