I will be very thankful when tomorrow arrives.
In the morning Chris will be submitting sample #2. I feel bad for him. His directions were to -abstain from "doing anything" for 10-14 days.- Well, it's been about 14 days, and I shouldn't be complaining, cause I am sure he is feeling somewhat miserable. Thankfully we have been super busy, and AF was around for the first couple days. I have a good feeling that between holding out for a while, and cutting back on caffeine and alcohol that these results will be a lot better. I am very hopeful and trying to stay positive!
In other news, I have found out about a lot of other people being pregnant. There have been like 6 new additions including some coworkers. But that is ok, hopefully I will be joining them very soon!
My race yesterday went great. I beat my time from last week, and came in 7th place in my division with a time of 26.28 minutes. (37th out of 286 females, 114th out of 391 overall.)
Also, only 23 more days until we are in Paris.
Things are going great, how could I not be happy about life right now?
Cycle #11
CD #8
3-7 days Pre-O
Slow Start
1 week ago
14 days seems like a long time. We had to abstain for 3 days, they said at that point the swimmers would be at their peak in number and quality. Too long can cause a lot of dead ones. Just in case things look worse, keep that in mind!
you have such a great hubby! good luck!
Hmm...that is interesting. Yeah I have no clue why they made him wait that long. The weird thing too is that even if they are "better", does that we wait that long all the time? I don't know, I guess I just still have a lot of questions. I need to do some more research. I am wondering if maybe the doctor didn't know that because it is not his specialty. We will def. keep that in mind. And S. ..thank you, he is really great I know! :)
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